BORKS Feriehus Norwegen GmbH - Ferienhäuser in Norwegen

Winter Season

Winter Season

Norwegians are born with skis on their feet, however, the spectacular Norwegian nature is also suitable for hiking and walks along the old blockhouses – and end your day at a cosy and warm fire by the fireplace at home. A particularly magical moment is when the mountains are covered with fresh powder snow: you can make snow angels, drive a dog sledge or go ice fishing. In any case, the winter in Norway is just an excellent time of the year.

We would like to recommend you winter sports destinations and sky areas that can be easily accessed; the charming coastal town Kristiansand is just 1 hour drive to the wild and snow-covered Norwegian mountains. An alternative are the illuminated sky tracks or the lonesome cross-country ski-tracks near Bortelid, Hovden or Evje.

Just enjoy the relaxing lighting conditions and the amazing beauty of Norway’s winter – loads of snow are guaranteed!

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